July: Clients in the News

We love shouting out all the awesome clients we work with, and they’re always making big news! Join us in celebrating their wins from July!


Gifthealth is growing and growing fast, look no further than their recent article in Columbus Inno! They are set to do over 30 million in revenue for this year, and just acquired a drug wholesaler to increase their ability to fill prescriptions quickly and more affordably. Want to know more about what Gifthealth has going on? Check out the article here!

Aqua Cultured

An article from Queen Queen Media this month highlighted Aqua Cultured, and the big innovation they’re bringing with their microbial fermentation seafood soon coming to market! Up next is moving towards commercialization, to bring to foodservice and retail channels. See what else they have going on in the article here!


Giftpocket was just selected to be part of the Techstars Bolder Fintech cohort. Techstars Bolder is an accelerator program that will allow Giftpocket to set an even stronger foundation, and continue their mission to transform the way brands and non-profits utilize their gift cards. Join us in congratulating Giftpocket! Read more here on Giftpocket and the Techstars Bolder program!


August: Clients in the News


Lease Accounting Guidance